Thursday, April 2, 2009


OK I'm going to float an idea out there... I've been thinking about this for a few days and really don't know if this is a good decision or not.... a friend of mine works in the TOC ( tactical operation center) hes the battle NCO. hes an infantry guy, but in this bat. theres no infantry company..... so he landed a desk job that hes hated since the first day he got here..... i just found out that after months and months of requesting a transfer to an infantry bat., hes been granted his wish.... all they need now is his replacement..... now this is a simple 9-5 style desk job.... really safe, and really pogish..... i know the job is mine if i want it...... but I'm apprehensive.... do i really want to wind down my last 6 months of this deployment in an office job..... never go outside the wire..... in my two deployments I've done I've spent 18 months going in sector about 5-6 days a week.... I've seen it, I've done it, and i know it...... hell i like it...... the one thing that does suck about it is that theres very little going on.... we go from A to B with nothing happening EVER.... if things were more actionable, it would be a no brainer for me... i would want to be out there.... but if all im going to do for the next six months is drive to one spot stay there a few hours and drive back and have nothing happen.... then i really would rather not....

i have never worked an office job in the military..... i would be a pog thru and thru...... I'm ok with that.... but i don't know how i would deal with the bullshit that goes along with this job... i don't even know what the bullshit would consist of..... i do know that its there... theres bullshit everywhere.....

so do i seek out this job, or do i stay on the roads with a different section then the one I'm in.... i have to act fast because soon enough that decision will be made for me.....

PS.... if your in my family, your opinion is bias so i will probably not include that into my decision.... i know what my family will want.... feel free to tell me anyways but your vote doesn't count... lol...
NUGHT OUT.......


Mayhem At The McNeils said...

oh love. my vote DOES count. its a selfish one, but for great reason. my would i LOVE to go to bed at night and NOT have to pray that i dont get a knock at our door in the middle of the night.
personally, i think your familys vote is the only one THAT really matters...bias or not. if something happened to you, who is it going to affect?? your readers who said you should not take the desk job???NO WAY!

Anonymous said...

Do it, learn new skills, grow.

tripletsmake6 said...

Ok, I know we don't know each other personally but i'm a member of your wife's family and I am bias! LOL And I have to agree with her on this one! Take the desk job! It's something new! You might like it. Please stay safe!


Anonymous said...

Well looking at your beautiful family who are waiting for you to come home safely, I think I have to vote for the desk job too.

Stay safe and take care


Anonymous said...

who cares, you were a pog before any of this.

NUGHT said...

you know anon, in the spirit of your comment i will go ahead and enlighten everyone for a minute.... hes right i am a pog and have been a pog my entire time in the service.... pog ( person other-than grunt). a grunt as you all know is infantry.... im not infantry and never have been... im a combat engr.... we blow shit up (demolishion).... there isnt really a need for that in iraq unless your EOD ( explosive ordinace disposal) with is a completly different job....

thats not that i havent and dont assume the same role as infantry in iraq.... but thats neither here nor there.... im not a grunt by trade so there for i am correctly defined as a pog....

thanks anon... NUGHT OUT....