Monday, April 27, 2009


OK, it just came down the pipe that our BDE will be giving blanket awards to everyone who deployed... this to me is bullshit... it goes against the nature of individual awards... in the army you have unit awards, and individual awards.... giving a blanket award to everyone for individual accomplishments are asinine and kind seems like an oxymoron... what it amounts to is, they don't want to go thru the nut roll of everyone submitting individual awards with individual bullets... they assume (rightly) that most would fuck it up and have to redo them over and over again... still i think they should be made to do their jobs... and that's it, ITS A LEADERS JOB TO WRITE AWARDS.... if they don't know how, make them learn...

that's not my only problem with awards though... that's just what has fueled this fire.... across the board the army award system is fucked up.... their is only a few awards that haven't been tainted to the point that they lose their integrity, and prestige... The Medal Of Honor, Purple Heart, Soldiers Medal, and a few others are taken seriously... now the Purple Heart is boarder line... i don't want to take away from those who have earned it and have giving blood and flesh for this country... but at the same time some get them for bullshit...

right now if your an officer or an E-7 your getting a Bronze Star for this deployment... it doesn't matter what you did.... that's your award.... well to me that award doesn't mean shit to me now... it has lost its integrity..... I think an individual should be assessed on what they did... that should be a determining factor... but its not... it doesn't matter what you did, or do... all that matters is your rank... E-1 thru E-6 will get an ARCOM.... the same ARCOM with the same bullshit bullets.... this infuriates me.... i don't think that my soldier who goes outside the wire on a daily basis, puts himself at adverse risk hundreds of times, and subjects himself to the heighten reality of the fact that the ultimate sacrifice could easily be realised at any moment should get the same award as a soldier who pulled a 8 hour MWR guard 5 days a week for a year.... REALLY.... they get the same thing... they get recognized the same.... the E-7 who doesn't do anything (believe me there is alot of them) will get a better and bigger award then my soldier... its bullshit...

now i don't care about my award.... awards mean nothing to me... but i don't like it when my soldiers get fucked... i wish they would let me write the awards for my soldiers and recognize them for what they did individually.... that's fair and makes sense...

CIB VS. CAB.... lol... i hate this shit... the CIB (combat infantry badge) is only for infantrymen who have been engaged or engaged the enemy... its been round for a long time and has a storied history.... infantry was the only MOS that can get the CIB... the void for other MOS's was there... an infantry man and a combat engr. standing next to each other on the battle field engaging the enemy didn't get recognized the same... for the longest time only the infantryman would get an award reflecting the fact that he was in combat... that's why the CAB was enacted... its intent was sound... recognize those who arnt infantry for being in actually combat.... but its intent was lost as soon as it came into existences.... these fuck-tard faggot cooks, and finance, and admin guys, and supply guys... all these fuckers get CAB's.... Most CAB's arnt earned... a fucking supply guy who goes on a log jam 30 truck convoy.... he's in the 22nd truck and the third truck gets small arms fire (three rounds) off the door.... he gets a CAB... the whole fucking convoy gets a CAB because "the convoy was attacked"... bullshit... small arms fire on an unarmored truck is like throwing snowballs at a civilian car... its not coming thru... so this fag who is 500 meters away from everything gets a CAB... well now i feel like my earned CAB isn't worth shit... its the same with the CIB though... an infantryman deploys and spends the entire deployment in the training room... doesn't leave the wire once... he get a CIB... I've seen it.....

then you have these CAB hunters... mostly officers... they try and try to go on convoys and hope something happens so that they can get a CAB... as soon as they get one they stop going out... these fuckers are all over the place... they don't want to be in combat... they want a nice shiny award saying they've been in combat... its bullshit....

i don't wear mine because of this.... even though i earned mine i don't like being grouped with others who haven't.... i remember about a year before i deployed this time i was back at ft. Riley... i went to the chow hall and when going thru the line i see a SPC cook with a shiny CAB on his cook whites... it disgusted me... now i don't know this guys back story and i cant say he didn't earn it, but it was the principal... he walked around all the other cooks with a sense of superiority.... i could see it on him... that was the day i took my combat patch off and stopped wearing that as well... i never felt that i needed a patch or CAB to validate my experience or to prove to others my worth.... i know who i am and i know what I've done and been thru... i don't need to prove to everyone else that I've done my job or that I'm experienced....

i know I'm just ranting here, but i really don't like the way I'm recognized or the way others are... i don't like that others who have combat patches and CAB's or CIB's feel they are better then those who don't... there is a false sense of superiority the wearer feels... its just not me...


NUGHT said...


I deleted your comment because it was meritless... the fact the you wont put you name behind your words in its self speaks to you lack of credibility... if its because you dont want to put yourself out there online thats fine... email me... i wont name you if thats your preference... your comments to me are personal attacks... its clear you dont like me... lol... thats fine with me... i probably dont like you... but then again, i dont know who im talking to... i do know that you have yet to refute anything ive said with an intelligent rebuttal... let your stance on the issues stand on their own merit... dont just try to bash me because you dont like me... i could care less that you dont like me... all your doing is heckling.... for someone who doesnt like me you sure do spend alot of time reading what im writing and responding to it...

as for the I DO NOT CARE ABOUT MY ARCOM DEPLOYMENT AWARD.... IT MEANS NOTHING TO ME... if you think that my distain comes from my desire to have a bronze star... well then you really DONT know me... if i didnt get an award for this deployment, i wouldnt give two shits.... the ARCOM that im slated to get means nothing because of what it represents... its a check the box award.... i disagree with that...

now if you have a personal problem with me... come to me to talk about it or email me... dont sling insults and sharp shoot me from the shadows... if you disagree with me opinions... refute them... telling me who i am and what i want and that you dont like me.... thats childish and boring....

Mayhem At The McNeils said...

I wish you lefthis comment up so i know what your responding to....good for you hub. i totally love how you write things.You sound like a great leader here..which i know you are. anyways, i gotta go to the dr. the cough is killing you

Anonymous said...

Yes, I wish you had left the comment up also. while the guy or girl may have been wrong, you come across as censoring your blog now.

NUGHT said...

fair enough.....

NUGHT said...

let me paraphrase it.... he thinks im a big shitbag.... he said something about if my wife knew how much of a shitbag i was she would leave me (as if he knows me more then my wife)... he said my reasons for posting were because i myself want the bronze star and that i should not accept a deployment award... he also made mention to the fact that he could "hem me up" and that if i wanted out of the army, he could make that happen....

lol... to bad none of you stoploss out there didnt know this guy cause he would have been your ticket home....

Anonymous said...

I think you should take down comments that don't add something to your "discussion". I don't mind reading people who disagree with you, but it is pointless to post people who are just going to bash you and your family. Your family should definitely be off limits. I've seen this "anon" follow you around on other blogs, he/she is boring and a coward of the worst kind.
take very good care,

NUGHT said...

i apprieate the support marian... i agree 100% about the adding to the discussion... i welcome those who disagree to state their opinions.... i enjoy a good debate... me and 13 have debated back and forth more then a few times but we keep it civil... i like the guy, hes smart and im able to take some of what he saids and add it to what i think...

as far as deleting the comments... i really want to but i dont know if others want me too... i have no interest in playing this game with people who dont want to own what they are saying... ive intertained the idea of approving comments but i dont want to come across as a censor

NUGHT said...


Anonymous said...

Not putting a name with the blog doesnt make it meritless...this person is currently in the military and may come under some kind of retribution. I am out of the military and concur with everything said here. It is true and I have seen it myself. I have deployed to Operation Just Cause, Desert Shield and Storm. I was only awarded an AAM for both deployments and was under fire in both. No second award of the CIB was given after Panama though anyone that didnt have one in Storm. My old man got Bronze Stars and purple hearts in Nam for grusome injuries/ this is a fucking joke. I have seen pieces of shit get purple hearts for being a fucking heat casualty! Pass out and get a purple heart! Everyone line up now!!! Fuck the award system and fuck anyone that is too blind and overwhelmed by their own ambition to recognize what is happening.

NUGHT said...

i agree with most of what your saying, save the name part.... he doesn't have to sign his or her real name... any handle, tag name or signiture would do... as long as it's consistant so that i know who is responding to what... when you get 3-4 anon's with similar replys it's hard to tell if they are the same people, all different or maybe one of them wrote two or three of the responses and not the other.... i use NUGHT... anything like this at the bottom of your comment would signify ownership and allow me to identify who im responding too..

thanks for the comment though and thanks for stopping by.

Nate said...

The point of the CIB isn't as simple as to denote combat. Persons other than infantry have been involved in direct combat in every conflict since we stopped lining up and facing each other on a battlefield with our colorful uniforms 100 yards away. The purpose of the CIB is to show the cumulation of a career- the action for which that soldier's career has been centered on and the CONSTANT nature of combat associated with the Infantry. There should never have been a CAB- the very presence of the CAB takes away from the CIB. I used to be a mechanic- I wanted an EARNED CIB... so I changed to Infantry. I didn't bitch that mechanics couldn't get the CIB. The infantry is the ONLY MOS who's entire justification of existing is to close with and destroy the enemy in close combat. Yes other specialties are combat orientated, but they are not placed into close combat by not by design- only by situation. Remember, Infantry still shoulders the vast majority of casualties by MOS.

Should everyone be able to get a version of the CMB for actively conducting a CLS job in combat? Or to obtain the EOD badge for safely disposing of an IED? Or maybe they should be able to get a mechanic's badge for undertaking the maintenance on their vehicle.

The CAB is nothing more than non-infantry wanting the fame and glory of the Infantry. If you want it, don't cry and bitch until they give you a second rate, wanna-be CIB... Change your MOS to Infantry, put in the long hard hours training in shit conditions, wash the sand out of your vag and spend a year actively hunting the enemy and LOOKING for combat.

Moving along- the lower awards are diminished in value by the frequency they are handed out, the higher awards are being with-held at record rates (these two current conflicts have the absolute record lowest rate of CMOH awards and Silver Stars to date). Ban rank/position based awarding. You get higher pay for a more difficult job- the fact that you have to work harder than your men day to day doesn't warrant a BSM- again, that's what your paid is for.

NUGHT said...

i can see where your coming from nate... you made so valid points..