Me doing a "im going to shoot you pose with an AK.... you really cant tell what kind of weapon it is from the pic... its an AK
Me posing with an MP5... i have a video of me shooting it but i cant load it because the interent sucks here... MP5's are fun though....
RPG with no rocket... i unfortunatly wasnt allowed to shot this... even though we did find 2 RPG rockets later on that night... it would have been a blast to have been able to shoot them... instead we blow them up and my camera in the process...
This is the view from where we have to pull guard at this rinky dink JSS.... i know the picture isnt that great but try to appreciate the level of frustration i endured tring to get the camera to line up with the rear and front sight post... it started out a seemingly easy task.... 20 pictures later my frustration and determination was rediculously high... being that i put so much effort into a picture that isnt really that great, i though it deserved to be posted...
The raiderettes.... they came to see us... i dont paticularly like the raiders but i went anyways... in this pic im quizing them on raider knowlegde... they passed, but had they been cowboys cheerleaders i think i would have stumped them...
Me and a couple of my soldiers with the girls...
I took this picture purely to demonstrate my love for football.... it had nothing to do with with the girls... come on guys im married...
This is the other team leader in the squad and my roommate.... this is his ganster pose... the funny thing is that he will never ever forget this day... this day he will remember when his 70... but i cant tell you
One of our trucks is about to tip over.... we tied it off to another truck and luckly got it unstuck with out tipping it over...
This is by far my favorite care package letter from a kid... ive seen tons of them but this by far takes the cake... theres an on going debate to weather or not hes saying service or survive... but there is no doubt about the whore... hey austin.. if this ever its back to you... i got you buddy.... im tracking man.... you are my hero bro...
Hey what do you know... and EFP... the ones Iran stopped selling us.... this must be the second one this year... ( reread the the efp post comments if you dont get it) anyways... this efp was incased in strophome... all that shit around it is the styrophome... the disk is about the size of a dinner plate... this would have been nasty... good thing it was found before it went off...
great pictures! I love the one at the guard place. i thought when u said pulling guard, it meant like at a desk or something...i dont know why but i never assumed it wasn't. great shot! And i dont really like your comment to Austin and what it implies."your hero" really??? Not cool. As for the raiderettes, I will let that slide. You are risking your life and are surronunded by guys a lot. as long as no boob grazing or booty grabbing went on( or anything else) we're good.
i love you and stay safe!
come on.... the fact that a 6-7 year old could be that insightful about whores is great.. hes ahead of the power curve... im proud of him.... i wish i was that smart when i was his age (not that ive ever been with a whore but hey is good to see that the schools are teaching them well these days)
Good pics.
Keep it real.
How about trying to photodocument an entire week of your life in Iraq and then posting a photo essay? The good, the bad and the ugly? It would be cool seeing what you are going through over there.
you know thats not a bad idea but theres would be a few snags.... 1) i blow up my camera the other day trying to get a really close video of an explosion.... 2) the good, bad, and ugly concept is all well and good but the ugly and bad would have to be watered way down... freedom of speech doesnt apply when your showing the ugly and the bad sides of the army..... shit im not suppose to take pictures of half the shit i put in my view finder let alone post them... i routinely skip over really great pictures when im deciding which ones to post... some, although great and really informitive pictures of bodys and blood and explosions are just enough to get me in trouble... so it would be a watered down version... id be willing to try it if you still want once i get a new camera.... whenever that is.... let me know
Go for it, man.
2nd the motion. You won't be in there forever. z
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