Friday, May 1, 2009


constant fear, constant paranoia, never feeling relaxed and never letting your guard down.... that’s life in my new platoon.... everyday, every waking minute, your watching.... waiting... anticipating.... you never know where its going to come from.... who it will come from, or when it will happen, but your ready.... always ready.... and it still happens....

its like walking thru a mine field some days... its a psychological mind fuck... you can try to avoid it... you can insist that your not a part of it... nothing works.... no matter how ready you are.... how prepared.... how focused you are on stopping it... you cant...its bigger then all of us....once you realize that you can realize this... its actually brilliant... every aspect of it... its like god himself sanctioned it and now its blessed by his hand... once you accept it as inevitable, and only then... you become able to understand how magnificent it is....

Its powerful and gentle, its infuriating and calming, and its really painful... you go from thinking impulsively to thinking rationally.... you transverse many complete spectrums throughout the course of its wrath.... its actually amazing....

Nut tapping is the act of hitting someone in the balls intentionally and for no reason... lol... ok give me a minute to explain.... I know what your thinking... to most of you, its unheard of... but in our world... its just something we know we have to deal with... at any giving time, any day, someone, anyone can and will for no reason lightly tap you in the balls and watch you collapse to the ground in pain.... they will then start laughing hysterically at you because you are completely helpless and furious, but you cant do anything about it.... you cant move... this sounds evil... you might even be having a hard time connecting what I wrote above to what im writing here... your probably thinking.... how could anyone think this is amazing, or brilliant, or that god in someway has had a hand in this...
If this is indeed what you’re thinking.... you haven’t experienced this from both side, multiple times... you have been subjected to it on a constant basis.... because of that you probably haven’t devoted much thought to it.... therefore, you can’t see or understand how awesome nut tapping is....

I dont know why... and i cant intelligently explain it... but someone getting hit in the balls is one of the funniest things in the world... its one of those rare things that it doesn’t matter how many times it happens or how many different ways... it doesn’t matter if its the same every time... it never loses its humor... how many things can we say that about... honestly.... tell someone the funniest joke you know 100 times and see how funny it is the hundredth time.... but you hit someone in the nuts 100 times... its still every bit as funny as the first time... its really weird... someone breaks his leg and is in a lot of pain and cant move... NOT FUNNY...SCARY.... but someone getting whacked in the balls, hilarious... WHY??? I don’t get it...

another amazing aspect to the nut tap is this... as soon as your hit your knees buckle... your legs lose the ability to support your own body weight... you fall to the ground... you are outraged immediately... the only thing you can think of is how you want to kill the person responsible.... on top of all the pain... you have 10 guys standing around you laughing so hard they're having a hard time standing up on there own... some of them may even fall over because they’re laughing so this just makes you more enraged.... but you cant move... you try impulsively to get up and go after the fag who did this to you, but as soon as you slightly move one of your legs... or your hips, sharp pains shoot thru your body... so you lay motionless... helpless... its at this point you transition into phase two of your recovery... this where a higher powers influence is felt... phase two recovery time is directly correlated with your state of mind... once you reach phase two you realize there’s nothing you can do... you close your eyes and you block out everything around you... you start to control your breathing and start thinking rationally again... the impulse is gone... your calm.... you have to be... you cant recover until you allow your body and mind to relax... you lay there for 3-15 minutes (as long as it takes you to get over the fact that you were attacked without provocation)....

another beautiful element is that the tap it self is very light... your not trying to pop a ball open, or bust his sack... accuracy is key... as long as you can get a direct unsuspecting hit... your good... you win.... he’s down... its crazy how the slightest and easiest of taps can render someone completely helpless for up to 15 min.... that’s, its awesome...

our squad hasn’t gone a full day yet without someone falling victim to this epidemic... some have tried to say that they aren’t playing... they think that if they don’t do it to anyone, it wont happen to them... oh, not true... everyone is in play... you can posture all day long... all year long for that matter... if you don’t want to hit someone back... that’s your prerogative... but that doesn’t mean your not getting hit... this mentality may seem like a dick move by the attacker (pun intended), but everyone at some point will embraces the nut tap...

now after reflecting on our little game I noticed that its gender specific... ive tried to think of a way to incorporate females into the game on some level... im not talking about a mixed gender game... my wife would leave me... but a game that females could play amongst themselves.... the problem is that females don’t have the equipment... I had a hard time coming up with where a female could hit a female to leave them completely paralyzed for a short period of time while on the ground in pain.....

Throat punches..... I think it would work... now all I need is a group of females to test my theory.... if your a female and your reading this.... give this a try.... call all your girlfriends, and schedule a girls night in... have a group of 5-7 of your girls come over to your house for the evening... don’t tell them a thing about the game... its more fun if they just find out about the game on there own... pick your target, and start stalking her... this tactic is used in nut tapping and works well.... being that she will be new to this game she will be really easy to set up... get up close to your target and engage her in small talk... once the moments right point to a picture on your wall to your right or left... she will look at it, and walk right into your trap... once she take her eyes off of you, strike her in the throat... right in the middle of the neck... watch as her legs buckle underneath her and she falls to the ground... then start laughing hysterically and taunting her.... you could say things like "I got you good fucker" or "ha-ha in your face fag"....

this could be the start of a very good game and friendship building, cause lets be honest... if you friend cant take a unprovoked throat strike and walk it off afterwards without getting butt hurt... how much of a friend could they have been... im just saying...


Mayhem At The McNeils said...

yes, i would leave you if i tried to go hitting girls in their junk..or any other part. def a no go! and us females dont have the same testerone level as u guys do. we dont have the urge to just whap someone for no good reason...cmon u know that.i whap u only when im mad1 lol! we just also dont think doing stuff like that to each other is funny! sorry not throat punching selena tonight even tho we are having a girls night! ha.
love u
oh and just so u know your lucky your not here cuz you would get a good whap ...ive been pretty ticked off this last week or so. i really dont know why. well, maybe i do. i think its b/c someones not fighting fair. just throwing THAT out there.
stay safe

Anonymous said...

Nught, you're supposed to use the BACK of your hand, and you're not supposed to grab and hold. Especially in the showers. That's why we say you're doing it wrong, and think you're kinda' teh gay.

NUGHT said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

No homo?

tripletsmake6 said...

I LOVE THIS!!! Everyone around here thinks i'm crazy cause I do that to my Hubby! I find it sooo damn funny! I'm chuckling right now typing this. I tell him all the time "your gonna get a tappity tap"! Needless to say, he doesn't appreciate it at all. From what he tells me it HURTS too. Who knew a little tap would bring a grown man down???

Be safe and cover your junk!

NUGHT said...

lol.... its a great game...

Anonymous said...

Can understand the "Privates" wanting to play. Do you play it with other NCOs? Do the Officers play?

Anonymous said...

that's pretty funny and stupid and "boys" are just weird and you all have to much time on your hands. You should have learned in kindergarten to keep your hands to yourself!
take very good care,

NUGHT said...

the whole platoon plays anon.... our LT, PSG, and SQD leaders.... everyone.... now it takes a private with BALLS to tap the LT, PSG, or other NCO's, but it happens.... marian... boys WILL be boys... the environment which we live in requires some kind of testosterone release... instead of letting it build up and letting soldiers explode into fights... we let them hit each other in the balls and laugh... its fun for everybody except for one... its a game, its a release, and its all in good fun and humor...

Anonymous said...

Your new game is not good for your nuts. Maybe the damage will cause nut cancer down the line. Life would not be the same without your nuts. You only get two, so take good care of them.

NUGHT said...

i have my kids... i dont want more... ive often contemplated selling one of my nuts to science.... what the hell do i need two for... id sell them both if it didnt affect me sexually...
side note: the other team leader in our squad got me really good last night... im currently ploting my revenge... more to follow...

Anonymous said...

Wait, you play this in the showers? It doesn't really sound like a game if that's sounds disgusting and immature. How old are you again? And your wife doesn't mind you acting like a child even though you have your own? Grow up please and satisfy your wife, she seems angry in her comment.

Anonymous said...

You do that in the showers? GROSS. AND Gay as hell too. You're actually touching another guys balls? What's next? Gay porn from Iraq?

Using a picture of your tattoo for a profile pic kinda' shows you try to hard to act like a man. Ya' know?

NUGHT said...

lol... funny guy.... that pic was suppose to be incognito..... i was showing someone something that was unrelated.... but hey you caught it... you must be an intel guy cause your clever... lol... later

tripletsmake6 said...

OMG! this game is NOT gay!!!! And i've seen pics of his kids...not gay at all! It's a guy thing. Guys hae weird ways of blowing off steam and getting a laugh! That's my two cents anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yeah man, I think that most guys get what you are saying (and most women think a dude in nut pain is funny too). Even if you're not a soldier in Iraq -- that is, if you are in a "regular" environment hanging out with friends, 90% of the time nut pain is funny for everyone including the victim. It's odd, because hitting someone in the face would not be funny, and every guy knows that a tap in the nuts hurts more.

I think it's because of the contradiction: a strong man is vulnerable, and the testes that make testosterone (that make him a man), are the weak point. There may also be something to an evolutionary competition between men to impregnate women, and tapping a dude's nuts is a way of weakening his reproductive capacity (not literally, a tap won't hurt the dude permanently, it may just be a deeper psychological thing going on).
